


On each day a child is absent or tardy the parent should call the absence line as early as possible (before 10 a.m.).

  1. Dial 395-4636.
  2. Leave a message including the child’s name, teacher, room number and the date of illness and/or tardy, and the reason.

The reason is very important but does not need to be detailed; a simple “She/he is sick today” will suffice. If the child has been to a doctor or dental appointment, please provide a doctor’s note to have the absence excused.

Failure to report absences or tardies will result in an automated phone call to your home or workplace.

State policy requires that a student who is absent 3 or more days with no communication explaining the absence will be considered truant and a letter will be mailed home with a copy kept in that student’s file. Excessive excused absences (5 or more) can also be cause for a truancy letter. SART Letters are also issued for students who miss school due to vacations. It is recommended that families who utilize the school breaks for vacations and not miss instructional time. (For more information see Student Attendance Review Team (SART) at Families with students on a SART or SARB contract lose sibling preference.

Tardy Policy

Excellent attendance and punctuality is a positive life skill. Students who arrive after 9:00 am are considered tardy. Seventh and eighth grade students who arrive after the scheduled starting time of any class will be marked tardy. Students are required to be on time to class, every day. Doctor/court notes must be provided for State approved tardies. Habitual tardiness will result in a State mandated Student Attendance Review Team or Board meeting (SART or SARB). Middle school students who are tardy to any class will be issued detention.

Families of students with 3 or more unexcused tardies of 30 or more minutes will receive a truancy letter.