Standing Committees

Standing Committees


The PTC has standing committees that do important work to support our school. If you are interested in joining any of these committees, click HERE & the committee chair will contact you with more information.

About the Committees

Culturally Inclusive Education Committee
Chair: Erika Hermosillo (

The Culturally Inclusive Education Committee meets on the first Monday of each month during the school year. It is a community where parents and families come together to learn, work together, and provide resources that create a culture of inclusivity for each other. In the PTC bylaws it states that we work to build culturally-sensitive resources and enrichment of multicultural curriculum at every grade level and in every content area as an integral part of this networking. Positive self-image and cross-cultural understanding in the core curriculum and through enrichment opportunities ensure optimal student achievement. We have hosted events, created resource guides, and contributed whenever it is helpful to our school community! We are a fun group of folks who love to work together to build a better world for our kiddos. Join us!

Renaissance Faire Committee
Chair: Chelsea Tibbs (

The Renaissance Faire is a beloved, annual, Spring tradition at LdV. During the school day, each grade visits the Faire and is transported back to the days of castles, royalty, discovery and innovation. With fencing, visits with the Queen, music, and hands-on art and scientific exploration we create an unforgettable immersive experience for students of all ages. This event is not possible without a host of volunteers. We will need all hands on deck on the planning committee in the months beforehand. Please consider joining the planning committee if you would like to be involved in the handful of meetings before the event and/or planning or leading a booth on the day of the Faire. The exact date of the Faire is TBD, but expect planning meetings to happen via Zoom once in October, and a few times in January/February with the event in late March/early April.

Arts Education Committee
Chair: Tracy Zavala (

The Arts Committee aims to enrich the arts program by coordinating Art Links and the Artist in Residence Program. It also co-sponsors activities like the Spring Art Fair and the Renaissance Faire. The committee reports to the Vice President of Educational Enrichment.  

Science and Technology Committee
Chair: Mike Ruger

The Science & Technology Committee at Leonardo da Vinci supports tspecial events around science and technology at LdV. It oversees the Science Fair and the very popular Family Science Night.

Treasury Funds Committee
Chair: Nathalie Ortiz (

The Treasury Funds Committee assists the PTC Treasurer with various needs including check deposits, reimbursements, and more.  Volunteers on this committee learn about the role of PTC treasurer and about how PTC funds are managed.

Gratitude Committee
Chair: Gwen Poggi Bogart (

The Gratitude Committee assists the VP of School Climate with recognition for teachers and volunteers. Big events include Teacher Appreciation Week activities and  volunteer recognition projects.

Facilities Committee
Chair: Kelli Hutnick (

The Facilities team hosts Saturday/Sunday weekend work days from 9 a.m.–noon to improve the LdV campus. This is a great way to earn volunteer hours! Coffee and donuts are provided. Kids are welcome to help. Work includes but is not limited to: trimming trees and bushes, raking leaves, scraping gum, power washing, weeding, watering plants, etc. The school has some tools to use but bringing your own tools (shovels, gardening gear, scrapers, etc.), gloves, and water is the way to go. 

Learning Garden Committee
Chair: OPEN

The Learning Garden Committee helps teachers, staff, and students plant and maintain our fun and educational gardens.

da Vinci Dash Committee
Chair: Randee Rolfe (

The Dash is the PTC’s big fall fundraiser and it takes a lot of helping hands to make it happen! Join this fun group of volunteers to support our students as they run for our school.

Winter Faire & Winter Boutique Committee (Winter Fundraiser)
Chair: OPEN

The Winter Faire is a big school-wide fun fair that serves as a family and community building event. This event occurs after the winter holidays. The Winter Boutique is a craft fair that occurs before the winter holidays, and serves as a fundraiser for classes. Volunteers are needed to help both of these special events come to life!

Fireworks Committee (Summer Fundraiser)
Chair: Morgan Sellers (

The Fireworks Committee supports an important summer fundraiser that helps the PTC give teachers start-up funds for classroom supplies and supports other start-of-the-year community activities.

Crab Feed Committee (Spring Fundraiser)
Chair: Morgan Sellers (

The crab feed is a relatively new adult-only PTC fundraiser that occurs in the spring.  It’s a fun night out and a great way to support our kids! 

Technology Committee
Chair: Kendra Nickel-Nguy (

The Technology Committee assists with the upkeep of PTC’s technology needs, including updating emails and website material. Committee members also assist in managing related needs, and any other technology needs that may arise throughout the year. 

Recruitment Committee
Chair: Randee Rolfe (

The Recruitment Committee assists the Membership Chair with spreading the word about the PTC and encouraging LdV families to join.  Volunteers may assist with such tasks as working tables, distributing swag, and/or assisting with member communication.