


The PTC organizes and manages fundraisers to accept donations to support Leonardo da Vinci Parent Teacher Council (PTC) activities and policies. The mission of the PTC is to support programs that enhance and enrich the education of students, support teachers, and support parent involvement, both in and beyond the classroom.

In addition to the events listed below, each grade level may elect to do a grade-wide fundraiser. These fundraisers must be approved by the Fundraising Chair and are allocated and given a time frame on a first come-first served basis, in order to avoid having many fundraisers happening at one time. A Fundraising Request form, available in the PTC office or click this link, must be filled out and given to the Fundraising Chair to request a grade level fundraiser.

Where Does the Money Go?

There are four “buckets” of funds held by the PTC & a description of each is below. 

For more detailed information, the Annual Budget and a “Where Does All the Money Go” explanation sheet are posted in the PTC office (across from the auditorium). 

PTC Funds
These funds go to supplies and programming that the district does not pay for, including our Artist in Residence, extra hours for our reading specialist, the Renaissance Fair, Library maintenance, Family Science Night, the learning garden, extracurricular clubs, athletics, recreational equipment & more (e.g. funds for improvements to the teacher lounge). Large PTC fundraisers support this account, including the Fireworks Stand, da Vinci Dash, the Crab Feed/Spring Fundraiser, the Make Mona Smile Campaign, and PTC membership dues.

Voluntary (Grade Level) Class Funds
Donations for Class Funds go to classroom supplies and field trips (by grade level) for the school year collected. A class funds goal for each grade is set each year based on projected expenses. These funds are raised through voluntary contributions from LdV families at the start of each school year.

Class Savings
Class Savings are built up year over year by grade level through fundraisers and are used to offset a portion of the following big class-wide costs including 5th Grade overnight trip, 6th Grade overnight trip, and 8th Grade Graduation. Any excess class funds go into the class savings account, as well as proceeds from specific fundraisers (e.g., items sold by classes at Winter Faire and Winter Faire Boutique). Class savings funds may also be raised by small, grade-level run fundraisers, limited to one per-grade per-year. These fundraisers MUST be approved by the PTC Fundraising Chair and requested through the form linked above and available in the PTC office. Requests open at the September PTC meeting and close at the November PTC meeting; they are first come first served.

Other Funds 
Specific groups (e.g. sports teams, band, clubs) may also fundraise to support their own activities. These fundraisers are not operated by or related to the PTC, and the PTC does not control the use of the funds.