LCFF Application – Please complete for your family


Please click here to complete the LCFF Application.

About the LCFF Application

All families play a critical role in ensuring our Sacramento City Unified schools are properly funded. You can do your part by completing the required Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) application.

The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) application is available online through October 31, 2024. 

Regardless of your income, the LCFF Application must be completed by all families. This is because a large portion of the funds received from the state are based on the socio-economic status of our students. Collecting this information from all families will ensure SCUSD schools receive the maximum amount of state funding possible.

This important extra funding is used to provide more comprehensive programs to ensure that all students are given an equal opportunity to be grade level ready and graduate with the greatest number of postsecondary choices from the widest array of options. 

You and your school community give input into how this funding is used through the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP).